One week from today, I will be here. Atop one of the most beautiful and challenging snow hills in the world - Vail Mountain. Well, in my humble opinion, at least. And the humble opinion of many professional skiers I know.
For those of you who know me, you know that I get to enjoy this view at least once a year because my grandmother lives in Vail and we spend Christmas every year as a family with her in her home. Unfortunately, this may be one of the last years we are able to do this. So this year I have to make certain I don't take this rare and fortunate opportunity for granted and enjoy every minute I get to spend there to the fullest.
So here's to you and yours, wishing you all a Merry ChristmaKwanzaKah. Or whatever Holiday you celebrate. Keep warm, try to enjoy a wood-burning fireplace somewhere, roast a marshmellow or hotdog or two, and get a little skiin' in if you have the means. Whatever you do, take a little time to tell the people you love how important they are to you. 'Tis the season, afterall...
Much love,
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